Software for Industrial Edge Management
In just one easily learned software suite, JMobile completely covers the connectivity from edge to cloud, device management, process management and data visualization essential for the all the edge to cloud levels in any Industrial IoT platform architecture.
The Only Industrial IoT Software you will ever need
Appeal and brand recognition is starting assuming a “key role” in HMI pages.
JMobile 4.5 comes with a modern reviewed widget gallery ready to accomplish the more modern and innovative needs on graphic design.
Based on SVG technology and fully customizable, widget gallery now introduces a new searching system for an extremely easy programming.

Guiding Principles of Development of JMobile
Remain open
to the major fieldbus / protocols of communication
Use open and recognized tech standards
Such as HTML5, SVG, XML
selected market-leading 3rd party software with a seamless UI and extremely secure
These three principles working together offer EXOR International and our customers the best of all situations where the secure, solid JMobile backbone of highly critical software is able to contain and implement all the software required for Industrial IoT implementation.

- Native connectors to Databases
- High User Interface Experience
- Create IIoT ecosystems with reduced risk
- From Shop Floor to Cloud / Big Data
- Real Interoperability
- Great HTML5 interface with JM4web
- Create Alarms with associated Alerts
- Efficient scripting with JavaScript
- More than 200 communication protocols readily available for all platforms with gateway
function - Browser widget
- Integrated PLC runtime as an option for compact control solutions. Include full support of networked I/O
- Software and documentation available in 7 languages
- Multi platform runtime
- Complete compatibility with OPC UA
- Added support for eX200 and MicroEdge series
- Updated CODESYS internal PLC to version 3.5 SP19
- Updated Siemens S7 Optimized protocol to support TIA Portal 19 projects
- Added support to import XML symbol file in Mitsubishi iQ/Q/L protocols
- Added IP Stream widget to support RTSP and MJPEG streams using, when available, hardware codecs.
- Added capability to import a recipe file with different structure
- Added Unicode support to recipes (name recipe sets using all Unicode char set)
- Improve usability of Stack
- Improved import and export functionality of Multilanguage
- Added option to include dynamic files in project upload
- Added granular sub options to delete specific dynamic files in project download
- Added style property to line widget
- Added possibility to create a custom widget starting from a single widget
- Improved selector when displaying invisible widgets
- Added Epoch and ISO8601 date/time formats for better integration with logger systems
- The web browser widget highlights when the HTTPS site has an untrusted certificate.
- Manage target has the possibility to backup/restore the retentive variables (FRAM).
- Added warning messages on protocol editor in case of bad configurations
- Reviewed default style of keypads to be more readable and usable
- HMI Client GUI now available in other languages
- CODESYS SP16 runtime now integrated
- Fully redesigned Widget Gallery with search functionality
- New dashboard pages for responsive design
- Native support for connecting SQL Databases
- Project encryption to protect intellectual property
- Support for signed project on signed HMIs
- Stack widget to manage many layers at design time and in runtime
- Tab and Toolbar widget with embedded gestures
- QR code widget to load a specific page or URL
- Chart widget for realtime, historical and scatter diagrams
- Browser widget with new technology engine
- Online help web based with enhanced search
- CODESYS SP14 now integrated
- Multiple tags in MQTT message
- Dynamic MQTT broker
- Copy/paste of user group
- Widget image: mirror transformation
New protocols
- Siemens S7 Optimized Datablocks
- CAN Direct
- IDEC Maintenance
- Keyence KV
- DMX512
- Robox BCC/31
- EATON Suconet K
JMobile Webinar On Demand
Are you looking for an Industrial IoT Software?
The Only Industrial IoT Software
you will ever need
MQTT (MQ Telemetry Transport) is the publish/subscribe protocol designed for constrained devices and low-bandwidth, high-latency networks. It is a common protocol used for light load IIoT communication.
CORVINA is an open IoT platform from Exor that connects any products, plants, systems, and machines, allowing data generated IIoT to be processed simply and intuitively with advanced analysis.
Communication is always a central point in JMobile applications; even more now that IIoT data collection and edge data processing is becoming the focus in industrial applications.
Human machine interface devices are evolving into edge devices, capable to collect and clean data to transform them in information.
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JMobile PC Runtime
JMobile PC Runtime is the Windows version of our powerful programming software for graphic user interfaces. The developer can program within a single development environment (JMobile Studio) and choose to download to Exor HMIs or industrial PCs.
The feature set of JMobile PC Runtime is identical to those offered for Exor HMIs with the ability to utilize the computing power, flexibility, and expandability of a PC. Many serial and Ethernet communication protocols are available. Value, functionality, and price make JMobile PC Runtime ideal for replacing generic SCADA with a cost effective solution. JMobile Runtime is offered in a single version with 10.000 tags for a single price, simplifying the costing decision.