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How to backup or export and later restore Recipe data from remote with JMobile

What to know

It is possible to dump recipe data to a specific location using the action "DumpRecipeData". This action will save a CSV file, that contains the selected recipe data present in the HMI.
It is also possible to restore recipe data from a specific location using the action "RestoreRecipeData". This actions allows to update the recipe data in the HMI from a CSV file.

It is possible to dump to (or restore from):

  • USB Stick
  • SD Card
  • Shared network folder

What to do

The "DumpRecipeData" action has to be programmed as per picture below

The properties available are:

  • RecipeName - Specifies wich recipe/s data to save (you can select All Recipes, a specific recipe or the current selected Recipe)
  • FilePath - Specifies where the dump file is stored
  • FileName - Specifies the name of the CSV file created
  • DateTimePrefixedFileName - If set to true the CSV file name will be saved with Time and Date name prefix
  • TimeSpec - Specifies the Time used into the name prefix, if Local or Global (GMT)


The "RestoreRecipeData" action has to be programmed as per picture below

The properties available are:

  • RecipeName - Specifies wich recipe/s data will be written on HMI (you can select All Recipes, a specific recipe or the current selected Recipe)
  • RecipeDataSet - Only visible when RecipeName is set to CurrentRecipe, specifies if restoring all Recipe data set, or just the current set
  • RestoreType
    • MatchAndAdd: Update matching sets and and sets present on CSV only
    • Match: Update only matching sets
    • Replace: Replace HMI sets with CVS sets
  • FilePath - Specifies where the recipe file is stored
  • FileName - Specifies the name of the CSV file which contains the recipe data


Note: please refer to FAQ "How to dump data to a network shared folder with JMobile" for further information about how to configure access to a shared folder from HMI.

Applies to

JMobile Studio

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